Radars capabilities includes detecting, intercepting, identifying, classifying, tracking, direction finding, platform correlating and recording moving targets on the ground/land, on the sea/naval and low flying airborne targets/airborne platforms.
The new generations of Radars are compact, lightweight and built on solid state design employs a versatile interface that allows for convenient integration on vehicles and elevated masts such poles, towers, building and towers or as a standalone system built on a tripod. All new generation radars are integrated and interfaces with command and control systems and they stand out as an ideal border and security surveillance, critical infrastructure protection, and Points of entry including airports and marine coastal surveillance. Tactical ground surveillance radars are fitted with 360 degrees capabilities. The solid state radar continuously rotates and is designed to detect, alert, and monitors intruders movements of all the surrounding and protected defined areas both land and sea. Some radars are designed to detect and track mortar fire.
They deliver on target interceptions and supports missions from military high security personnel, para-military, law enforcements and coastal surveillance personnel.
Radars features include
Simple installations and fast deployment, Mobile or Static, Automatic detection of multiple targets, Stand alone or integrated with other surveillance systems, Operates in harsh and all weather conditions, Events recording, Quick and easy.
Homeland security, border surveillance, coastal surveillance, artillery and mortar fire adjustment, mobile applications, protections of critical sites, airports, critical infrastructure.